meet the team
Nathan Vaudiau
PhD student Université de Paris
Msc Immunologie & Immunopathology, Université de Paris,
Ingénieur Agro (AgroParisTech) -
Mathias Vetillard
Postdoctoral Associate
PhD Paris Saclay -
Agathe Ok
Engineer in protein engineering and recombinant antibodies
Msc Molécules et cibles thérapeutiques at
Sorbonne Université -
Pierre Bourdely
Postdoctoral Associate,
Joint position Institut Cochin
Postodc at King’s College London
PhD Université de Nice -
Roberto Savoldelli
Visiting PhD student
King’s College London -
Louise Gorline
Engineer in cellular engineering
Msc in Biologie Santé at Université de Montpellier,
Chemist Engineer (ENSM) -
Fillipe Luiz Rosa do Carmo
Postdoctoral Associate
PhD Federal University of Minais Gerais,
Msc in Bioscience applied to pharmacy, University of Sao Paulo,
Pharmacist degree, University of Ouro Preto, Brazil -
Ioanna Tiniakou
Postdoctoral Associate
Postdoc at New York University Langone Medical Centre,
PhD, University of Crete Medical School, Greece -
Aurélie Semervil
PhD student at Université de Paris
Joint position Institut Cochin, Helft LabM2 in Molecular and Cell Biology specialised in Immunology, Genetics and Oncology
Pierre Guemonprez
Principal Investigator
Habilitation à diriger des Recherches Université de Paris,
Research Director at CNRSP.G. is trained as a life science engineer (Agro). P.G. obtained his PhD at Pasteur Institute in 2000 and became a staff scientist at CNRS in 2004. PG. performed his postdoctoral training under the supervision of Sebastian Amigorena at Curie Institute in Paris and Michel Nussenzweig at Rockefeller University in New York.
P.G. has been group leader and faculty at King’s College London, U.K. from 2012 to 2020 and group leader at University of Paris Medical School, INSERMu1149 up to 2023.
P.G. has investigated various aspects of dendritic cell biology including development, antigen presentation to T cells and their role in immune responses against cancer and infections.
Naman Tandon, PhD (NIH Bethesda), Kristine Vaivode, PhD, Giorgio Anselmi, PhD (Oxford U. WHIMM, UK), Shinelle Menezes, PhD (Queen Mary University, London), Alice Girardot (AI), Alexandre Essakhi (M2), Jeanne Postal (M2), Elisa Mattioli (RA), Daniel Chung (Msc), Prudence Li (Msc), Thea Willis (Msc), Roz Yorke (Msc), Pierre Antoine (Postdoc), Rajen Patel (Postdoc), Oliver Hickman (Postdoc), Enric Guttierez-Martinez (Postdoc), Remi Planes (Postdoc), Benoit Giquel (Postdoc), Johanna Prueller(Msc), Emily Hanton(Msc), Daisy Melandri (Msc), Matthew Reynolds (Msc), Benjamin Kruczyk (Msc), Morgane Mittermite (M2), Thanusuyah Alaguthurai (Msc), Chloe Colas (M2).